This page is presenting the publication outcomes of The Festivals of Chinese Minority Groups project, which include booklet designs and postage stamp designs. For the full design outcome please visit the Brand Identity Design Page or the link below.
China comprises 56 ethnic groups, with 92% of the population being Han, making the other 55 groups minorities. In this project, I focus on festivals of three significant ethnic minorities, using their clothing, customs, food, and musical instruments to create a visual language.
Below are the festivals that I chose for this projects:
1.彝族的火把节 – the Torch Festival from Yi Nation
2.傣族的泼水节 – the Water-Sprinkling Festival from Dai Nation
3.壮族三月三民谣节 – the Third of March Folk Festival from the Zhuang Nation

My design outcomes in Anglia Ruskin University's Degree Show

Collection of the series

Yi, Zhuang and Dai Ethnic Minority Groups' Booklet Designs
The Torch Festival and The Yi Ethnic Minority Group Booklet Design

Yi Ethnic Group Booklet Design

Yi Ethnic Group Booklet Design

Yi Ethnic Group's Introduction Spread Design

Yi Ethnic Group's Introduction Spread Design

Yi Ethnic Group's The Torch Festival's Spread Design

Yi Ethnic Group's Costume Culture Spread Design

Yi Ethnic Group's Costume Culture Spread Design
Third of March Folk Festival and The Zhuang Ethnic Minority Group Booklet Design

Zhuang Ethnic Minority Groups' Booklet Cover Design

Zhuang Ethnic Minority Groups' Booklet Cover Design

Zhuang Ethnic Group's Introduction Spread Design

Zhuang Ethnic Group's The Third of March Festival Spread Design

Zhuang Ethnic Group's The Third of March Festival Spread Design

Zhuang Ethnic Group's Zhuang Jin (handcrafted patterns) Spread Design

Zhuang Ethnic Group's Zhuang Jin (handcrafted patterns) Spread Design
The Water Splashing Festival and The Dai Ethnic Minority Group Booklet Design

Dai Ethnic Minority Group's Booklet Design

Dai Ethnic Minority Group's Booklet Design

Dai Ethnic Group's Introduction Spread Design

Dai Ethnic Group's The Water Splashing Festival Spread Design

Dai Ethnic Group's The Water Splashing Festival Spread Design

Dai Ethnic Group's Peacock Dance Spread Design

Dai Ethnic Group's The Water Splashing Festival Spread Design

Dai Ethnic Group's Peacock Dance Spread Design
Postage Stamp Designs

Yi Ethnic Group Stamp Design

Zhuang Ethnic Group Stamp Design

Dai Ethnic Group Stamp Design